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RHD 190 superior quality synthetic diamond

RHD 190 superior quality synthetic diamond

Jan 06, 2013
RHD190 synthetic diamond 1.cubo-octahedron shape 2.complete with very high strength, higher toughness; 3.bright yellow color  The specification for RHD 190 synthetic diamonds/ man made diamonds/diamond abrasives is:  RHD 190 Seriels is the suprem qualitly...
RH 190 Synthetic Diamond Rough Materials for super hard material cutting

RH 190 Synthetic Diamond Rough Materials for super hard material cutting

Jan 06, 2013
RH190 synthetic diamond rough materials 1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape 2.higher toughness; 3.Low magnetic;4.high price range RH 190 diamond powder/ diamond abrasive /artificial diamond/  synthetic diamond rough materials: 1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape2.higher...
RH 190 Superior Grade Man made Moncrystalline Diamond

RH 190 Superior Grade Man made Moncrystalline Diamond

Jan 06, 2013
RH 190 monocrystlline man made diamond 1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape; 2.higher toughness; 3.Low magnetic;4.high price rang RH 190 diamond powder/ diamond abrasive /artificial diamond/ Monocrystalline man made diamond :1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape;2.higher...
Man made Moncrystalline Diamond Powder RHD 180

Man made Moncrystalline Diamond Powder RHD 180

Jan 06, 2013
RH 180 monocrystlline diamond powder: 1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape; 2.high toughness; 3.Low magnetic; RH 180 diamond powder/ diamond abrasive /artificial diamond/ Monocrystalline synthetic diamond : 1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape;2.high toughness;3.Low magnetic;4 .good...
RH 170 Moncrystalline synthetic Diamond dust powder

RH 170 Moncrystalline synthetic Diamond dust powder

Jan 06, 2013
RH 170synthetic diamond powder 1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape; 2.Medium strength 3.Low magnetic;4.medium price RH 170 Industrial diamond/ diamond abrasive /artificial diamond/ Monocrystalline synthetic diamond powder: 1.Cubo-octahedron crystal shape;2.Medium...
RH 150 Industrial Diamond to make metal bond tools

RH 150 Industrial Diamond to make metal bond tools

Jan 06, 2013
RH 150 Industrial diamond 1.Regualr complete crystal shape 2.Rough surface 3.Lower strength 4.Low magnetic; 5.medium price RH 150 man made diamond/ diamond abrasive /industrial diamond 1.Regualr complete crystal shape2.Rough surface3.medium strength4.Low...
Artificial Synthetic Diamond Powder RHD 130

Artificial Synthetic Diamond Powder RHD 130

Jan 06, 2013
RH 130 Syntheic diamond powder 1.Regualr crystal shape; 2.Rough surface; 3.Lower strength 4.Low magnetic; 5.Low price range  RH 130 Syntheic diamond powder/ diamond abrasive /industrial diamond:1.Regualr crystal shape;2.Rough surface; 3.Lower strength4.Low magnetic;5.Low price...
RH low level Synthetic Diamond Abrasive Materials for common stone cutting

RH low level Synthetic Diamond Abrasive Materials for common stone cutting

Jan 06, 2013
RH abrasive materials 1.Regualr crystal shape; 2.Rough surface; 3.Lower strength 4.Low magnetic; 5.Low price range RH Syntheic diamond abrasive materials/ diamond powder/industrial diamond 1.Regualr crystal shape;2.Rough surface; 3.Lower strength4.Low magnetic;5.Low price...
synthetic diamonds superior qualitly RHD 190

synthetic diamonds superior qualitly RHD 190

Jan 06, 2013
RHD190synthetic diamonds 1.mainly cubo-octahedron shape; 2.very high strength; 3. higher toughness; 4.Low magnetic.  The specification for RHD 190 synthetic diamonds/ man made diamonds/diamond abrasives is:   1.mainly cubo-octahedron shape; 2.very high...
diamond paste

diamond paste

Jan 06, 2013
diamond paste is one soft abrasive material with high quality diamond powder and other materials ! size :  12 typescolour : black , yellow , red , pink and so onpacking : 1000pcs per carton     ...
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