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Dichlorofluoroethane R141B
Dichlorofluoroethane R141B

Molecular formula: CH3CCL2F
Product:  Dichlorofluoroethane R141B
Property of chloride :  Molecular Weight 116.95
Boiling Point, °C 32.05
Critical Temperature, °C 204.15
Critical Pressure, Mpa 4.25
Specific Heat of Liquid, 25°C, [KJ/(kg•°C)] 1.16
ODP 0.15
GWP 0.15
Packing Steel drum (internal PVF coating)200L; ISO-Tank.
Quality standard :  Purity, % ≥99.8
Moisture, PPm ≤30
Acidity, PPm ≤0.1
Vapor Residue, PPm ≤100
Appearance Colorless, No turbid
Odor No Strange Stench


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