Fire Resistance Shutter
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Fire resistance shutter has double rollers, double tracks, double shutter properly takes advantage of heat insulation of air.
Good fire resistance. It is made of several nonmetal materials with good fire resistance assembled through special process. It is flexible and with great tension strength, it has very strong heat and rust resistance that metal shutter can not compare with.Smaller sizethin shutters that require little installing room, which lower the floor construction height.Large span due to light in weight small in reel, width of span reaches to 12m or above.Lighter in weight , weight of shutter in only 1/4 of the steel shutter, no pre-embedded process needed for stands.Flexible start-up, low noise and no protection need of water curtain greatly reduce the construction cost.Various colors, can fit into interior design that provides comfortable feelings instead of the cold and hard metal.Three operation modesfire-fighting center coordinating control the center sends out control signal, manual control electrical operating the button control box performs electrical operation and manual chain control under emergency.