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power plant heat exchanger cleaner high pressure water jet cleaning machine
power plant heat exchanger cleaner high pressure water jet cleaning machine

Model No: 30

rate pressure is 1000bar,and pressure can be regulate from 0~1000bar,water flow is 50liters per minute,drived by 110kw electric motor,and also have diesel engine drive.the pump use the tech of Germany WOMA.we configure high pressure hose,high pressure gun,high pressure nozzle,flexible gun,steel gun,foot control valve,etc.the configure choosed as your cleaning condition.can used for industrial pipe cleaning,condenser tube pipe cleaning,pipe cleaning,reactor tank cleaning,boiler cleaning,ship hull surface cleaning,paint removal,boat surface cleaning.Usually used on starch factory,steel mill,chemical plant,power plant.we also have other high pressure cleaning system can be used for surface cleaning,sewer drain pipe cleaning,concrete surface punching,etc.we have 100bar~1500bar high pressure cleaner which can be used for different industrial cleaning.

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