Workwearing Paint Spray Coveralls
Nylon Spray Suits
Oil Proof
Water Proof
Dirty Proof
Workwearing Paint Spray Coveralls
SIZE: Sm, Med, Lge, Xlge, XXLge XXXLge
Color: Black,Navy,White,.....
Can make all color requested
Lint free, Washable fee
Water Proof, Oil Proof
Custom made Spray Suits with Paint Companies Logos on:
1% Carbon Fibre / 99% Polyester
Reusable / Washable
Vented Back & Under Arms
Elastic Waist, Back & Wrists
Pleated Ankles with Zips
Seperate Hood
Back Pocket
Spray Suits use Carbon Fibre Threads to dissapate electro-static charges and protect painters from harful overspray. Because they are lint free, there are fewer defects on paint surfaces, limiting the amount of re-dos. The suits are made of a lightweight, breathable material to reduce body heat and have a three to four month life expectancy.